Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dear Me


Dear Sweet Naive Teenage Valarie,


Do you remember this picture?


Well I was just wondering, do you think you could have gotten your hair any higher on that one side?

Did you also know that they make this thing called an eyebrow brush?  They do, maybe you should have used one.  Also that is some awesome blue eyeliner you are using there.

Dear Sweet Naive Teenage Valarie,

Did you know that some 20 years later, you would be obsessed with a teenage vampire saga, and not Duran Duran, Bon Jovi, or the Beastie Boys!  I know its true.

Speaking of Beastie Boys, did you know that some 20 years later, that your children,  by the way did you ever think you would have 3, would be playing a thing called Guitar Hero, to "No Sleep till Brooklyn".  Yep I know its crazy!

Yes Dear Sweet Naive Teenage Valarie, you heard me right, you have 3 children.  Two girls and a boy.  Didn't see that first one coming did you.  Best thing to ever happen to you.  By the way they are gorgeous and are turning out to be really great kids.

I bet you didn't think you would ever be talking to people all over the world with this thing called a blog either.  I tell you I have meet some wonderful people here in this blog world.  Learned an awful lot too.  You also will reconnect with sooooo many people that you have not talked to since high school on this thing called Facebook.

Yes Dear Sweet Naive Teenage Valarie, life will turn out alright, everything will not always be peachy, you will have some rough spots, but you will get through it and you will enjoy every minute of it.  Ok maybe not every minute, but most of them. :)

Love Always,

Your older ( but not by much )self


For more self reflection head on over to Marcy's for some great Fro me to you Post's




Mike Golch said...

good posting from you to your self.I migh do this sometime,but do not hold me to it.

Screwed Up Texan said...

hey, what's wrong with blue eyeliner? Shhh, dont tell anyone I STILL use it :)

Muthering Heights said...

I would imagine that you were pretty proud of that big hair back then!!

Tammy said...

Girl you were looking good!

And my son wears out "No Sleep til Brooklyn"!!

littletoesandcheerios said...

No sleep 'til da na da na Brooklyn!
Fight for your right to paaaarrrrty!

Don't step out of this house if that's the clothes you're gonna wear
I'll kick you out of my home if you don't cut that hair
Your mom busted in and said, "What's that noise?"
Aw, mom you're just jealous it's the Beastie Boys!
Oh girl you are bringing back the memories for me!

And I rocked the blue, green, red eyeliner along with colored mascara too!!!

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

WOW! Let me just tell you...your bangs in that picture were what I wished I could get mine to do back then. Good times.


Shell in your Pocket said...

Goodness, I am surprised we don't all have lung cancer from all that hairspray we used to do that!!!!
sandy toe

j said...

Dear Teenage You,

Don't listen to what anybody says - YOU are adorable.
Love, Jen

PS - You really will have three kids but they truely are beautiful!

marky said...

Dear sweet you.... You may look back and cringe (don't we all?)but you were/are beautiful..and I bet that 20years ago.. that look Rocked!!

Brooke said...

my sister (also from TN) had that same haircut!!

Valarie said...

What used to crack me up was when the kids in our youth group, when we were the Youth Pastors, would listen to the Beastie Boys "License to Ill". I was like, "I had that in the 4th grade"!

Yeah, who would've thought a lot of things 20 years ago? You are wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is an ideal FRO post. Funny, cute and it included a FRO of sorts!

I wrote a letter to High School Marcy once too.
Here is the link if you are interested...

Thank you for coming to the party!

Upstatemamma said...

Great post!!! My mom still wears the blue eyeliner. I have tried telling her but she will not listen.
There is so much that we couldn't possibly know when we were that age. SO much that would have seemed crazy to us. It is fun to look back on the way we were.

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

awh I bet she loved hearing all those wonderful things!

And I just think your hair was awesome!

Jesica said...

You were workin' those bangs! Quite the smokin' hottie in your day! I think I need to bust out my beastie boys music now!

D... said...

My favorite eyeliner back in the day was this bright turquoise. Loved it! ;)

Back then wasn't so long ago. It amazes me how much technology has changed. And I love Guitar Hero & RockBand for bringing back the 'classics'!

UtahJenny said...

Ahhh, Duran Duran and big bangs ... now you are really bringing back memories!

Unknown said...

What a precious story! You know those Parton sisters tell me that big hair just means that you're closer to heaven - jumping for Jesus! So glad to have found your blog.
Happy Twirls

Ashley said...

The bigger the hair, the closer to God. Haha!! ;)

LunaMoonbeam said...

Hey, you were CUTE, sweet and naive!

Teasing hair up that high takes TALENT! And the blue eyeliner hardly shows...

a Tonggu Momma said...

Just so you know... "No Sleep Til Brooklyn" is a CLASSIC. And some might argue the blue eyeliner is as well.

Jules from "The Roost" said...

Seriously you look SO much better than I did at that age! Drag the eye-liner back out is in for Spring! So "they" tell me!;)

Archie Mck said...

I've decided if Logan ever thinks his mom isn't cool I would direct him to this post and highlight the phrase "The Beastie Boys."
Enough said ;-)

mah-meeee said...

i still think you look great. seriously, who didn't have bushy eyebrows and big hair back then? but you made it look good!

TJ said...

Great Post! Too bad we can't write those letters to ourselves. And of course that wisdom we'd love to impart on other teenagers just falls on deaf ears.

Anonymous said...

I'm just the MAMA, but I thought you were Bee-u-tiful. I see a lot of new people following you.