Yes you read right, I was a thug, a hooligan, a trouble maker. You see this face....
I explored my bad side people!
When I was in pre-school, I had to stand in the corner, do you want to know what for???? Well I will tell you. I was a drug-dealer at an early age! I Valarie Lea from Tennessee, now in Alabama, passed out Ludens Cherry Cough drops to the other 4 year olds in the class! There I said it! I did my time in the corner, but apparently that was not enough........
Along that same time, I was with my Mother and my Sister Lisa, (Robin could have been there, but she was just a little thing that I don't remember her being there) and we were at "Big K".
At this time in our lives it was ok for a 4 or 5 year old to go off and look at the toy section. Well I decided that I wanted something, and I was gonna get it! So I marched right up to the counter and grabbed me a pack of orange tic-tacs!
Its my one vice still to this day. I walked up to my mother and sister, just as proud as can be by my newly obtained love and thats when it happened.
Mama: Valarie Lea where did you get those tic-tacs!!!
Me: From up there
Mama: Where did you get the money to pay for them?!?!?!?
Me: Money? What's Money?!?
Mama: Come with me!
Picture it - Mother, dragging 5 year old through the store, while the 5 year old is screaming and crying and 12 year old sister is behind you probably saying, Oooo the police are gonna get you, you are going to jail!!!!!!
Mama: Here give this money to the cashier! You have to pay for those!!
Me: Waahaaaaaa!!! (as Mama forces my hand with the money up to the cashier)
Lisa: Snickers
So that was it, the end of my walk on the wild side, (that is until my teen years, we will not go there). I straightened up an flew right after that. (or did I)
To this day If I were to walk out of the store and have accidentally forgotten to pay for a pack of cough drops that were left underneath my purse, (not that that has happened or anything) I will march right back in and pay for them. That's just how I roll now.
I will completely understand if you do not think the same about me anymore. :)
So were you ever a trouble maker???

good posting,and yes I have been one in the past as well.
Ohhh yes. I was!
well, i don't recall anything thug-like about me... however my baby is a different story.
we went to hawaii when she was 10 months old (that was just a few months ago, no?) and i had her in the stroller as we stroll around the stores. it wasn't until we were in the hotel room that i realized that she has taken stuff off the racks and in her stroller!
that sneaky lil one!
What a funny story. I spent my time in the corner too! Ha Ha
Me, a thug? Nah...(cough, cough)
I stole a big bag of chocolate at Roses when I was about 6. I hid them in the panty dept and kept "going off to look at..." and would go get a piece. I ate like the whole bag. No one ever knew and my mom isn't alive, I didn't go back and pay. Can I come lie on your couch, Dr. Valarie, and confess all my bad things I have done?
I knew that you were trouble the minute I read your blog :-). Just kidding. It was after I met you in person. OK, just kidding again. Who could convict that cute face of yours?
You hooligan! I don't know if I ever did anything like that... if so, I don't remember. More than likely, I was the whiny one in the back, saying, "we're gonna get caught!"
Valarie, I have to clear up this misconception. I was NOT behind you saying those things. I was NOT snickering. I was MORTIFIED at the crime scene and was watching from all the way in the women's hiding behind a rack of clothes.
My crime scene was at The Hog, AKA Hoggly Woggly, AKA Piggly Wiggly. I stole a vanilla Tootsie Roll. Mama did the same thing to me that she did to you. Shame, shame.
What can I say I was like 5 and the details are a little sketchy. :) Everything else happened the way I said it though.
I can see the sneakiness in your eyes! LOL No I was a goody , goody....darn it! LOL
Hi, middle one. I'm sure I made you (and Lisa) pay from my own experience. Growing up, we lives only 2 blocks from town. Mama or Daddy would take me to Kuhn's 5 & dime, to get an ice cream cone. One day when I was five, I marched to town (by myself) and told the lady I wanted an ice cream, so she gave it to me. OH, IT WAS GOOD. When I got home, Daddy asked me where I got it, and where I got the money. Money? (I thinked they were shaken that I had gone by myself, and they hadn't even missed me) Anyway, Daddy marched me right back and made me pay for it. HOW EMBARRESSING. I know this is a long comment, but I have to say, you do look sneaky in that picture. And you look like your'e messing with Robin's hair. Love you even if you were a little criminal.
P.S. Get Lisa to tell you about answering the pay phone outside of Walmart. That's a whole different story.
That's funny!
Mama, That was Robin that answered the pay phone outside of Wal-Mart. Bless her heart!
Robin, do a guest post on Val's blog and tell us all about it. K? K.
Love, Lisa
So glad you posted this!
In Kindergarten, I was known for making out with a boy during recess. I mean real live french kissing making out (ewwww!)
Also, I once stole a yellow flower from Walmart in which my mother made me return immediately!
I was nice for a few years, until my parents divorced and life went crazy.
I sold mardi gras beads to my first grade classmates on the playground for $1 each. Seriously, I came home with like 20 bucks. My Mom was mortified...of course...and made me give everyone their money back AND let them keep the beads. I was so miffed!
Okay, remember pop beads?? My mom kept telling me to quit chewing on them because I might swallow one by accident. Well, lets just say I had to eat a whole loaf of bread if ya know what I mean!
Is this why you had to move to Alabama!?
LISA - if it was a VANILLA Tootsie Roll you were completely justified and not held accountable for succombing to that kind of temptation.
Oh hey Valarie! Imagine seeing you here.
You thug you.
I answered you back in my comments explaining how I did that. Call if you need any help.
Oh, that was a funny one you little hooligan :)
It was at the pay phone between Red Foods and Catos and I was just casually walking by (probably going to find mama in Red Foods) and the pay phone was ringing so I thought why not answer it. Well it was the police saying that I had called 911 from the pay phone and I told them I was just walking by and I didn't call 911. I really don't remember what happened after that. But I remember I was scared to death!!! Thought they was gonna arrest me or something for just answering the phone. I haven't answered a ringing pay phone since!
Jennifer, thank you justifying my life of crime. :) If I ever have to go to court, I might need you to be a witness for the defense. :)
Robin, I remember you being really torn up about the whole thing. The police were ugly to you. Very, very, ugly. If I remember correctly, Daddy called the police department and told them a thing or two and the police department apologized to you. Is that right?
Valarie, I hope you don't mind us taking over your comment section.
No no go right ahead :) It makes things more interesting! Tomorrow I might talk about how you and Carolyn ate dirt.
Oh I know you can guest post about the Dandilion!!!!
Recently Cara and I somehow left Target, walked to our car and got home before discovering we'd been carrying a *stolen* bottle of Resolve (dogs and condos don't mix)
We got home and I asked where the carpet cleaner came from, it wasn't in the bag, and then, deer in headlights.
Apparently no one at T batted an eye... I blame it on Cara's cute-ness
A thugs life for sure.
Too funny! I was a pretty good kid, I once accidentally sent my brother to class with a bookmark from the book fair without paying for it. Later when I realized what had happened I felt horrible.
I always go back in when I find something in my cart that wasn't rung up. Or I just hand it back and say never mind I'll get it next time. Or I've really ticked people off behind me when I realize that the cashier didn't include the case of soda I told them about on my reciept and I have to do my debit card again. Guess I'm a trouble maker now?
Well, I use to toilet paper,fork lawns and oreo cars when I was young...does that count???
-sandy to
Now, I hate to discuss tawdry times, but I rolled some yards, skipped school, made prank phone calls....that kind of thing. I never stole anything. I would be to scared. And I dont for a second think you are da best honey chick! Sweet as pie. That face, I dont buy trouble in there.
and you get on to us for being trouble makers!!
I am truly shocked!
The best crime yet has not been discussed. Please Lisa your dear only begotten has the best story yet. That one is so funny.Five finger discount ice cream must run in the family. Love ya, Kristi
Well, well, seems a life of crime is in most of our backgrounds!
Gotta say, I'm enjoying reading all of this!
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