If you are looking for my Fro me to you, just scroll down one post. Then come back here to this one. A) because I am proud of myself and B) because I need your help
I actually took an idea I got from the Nester's blog and mistreated something!!!!
So now I can officially say I am a part of her club!!!

I am just so beside myself, I don't know what to do. I feel like I can take on anything now. I can just feel my creative juices flowing. I have a couple of ideas that I am gonna try, but those will be posted later. (if they ever happen)
We have a canopy out by our pool, that used to have a top and curtains on the side. Then a big wind came along and ripped it all to shreds. So we have had a skeleton of a canopy sitting out back.
So here is what I did:
First I went and bought these x 4
Then I hung these up here
Then I hung the canvas's up onto those drapery hook things. I don't know exactly what they are called, but that's what they look like up there.
Syd got in on the project and helped me to hang my new curtains.
Even though she is a little taller than me she still had to stand on something
So I have not quite figured out what to do with the top part of this thing, but at least we have some curtains to block out some of the sun.
So any ideas on what to do with the top of this thing???? Nester, I know your computer is on the fritz, but I need your help here. Anyone, anyone at all??
Good question for which I do not have a good answer,I just wanted to pop in to saw hellow.That's my story and i'm sticking to it.Hugs and blessings headed your way
Could you weave something through the metal poles above? Hmmm..... I don't know.
And you should be very proud of yourself. I'm going to ask Amy Adkins what she used for her shade on her deck. She just recently covered hers.Do you know her? Travis' mom. She knows how to do anything. I will call her tonight and get back with you. I'm surprised the Farmer Lady didnt tell you what to do. She can do anything too!! She once died her carpet herself. Yep you read that correctly. She died it from beige to burgandy. Now thats a blog waiting to happen. Let me just say "red socks" and that would not mean the Boston Red Socks.
Stepladder Valarie, stepladder!
yeah bad idea on the carpet.... "army wives" will try anything while their husbands are gone... give me a min and I'll think about this, it looks a great you are so smart....
okay... you've probably thought of this, a big round ring that you could attach the other canvas pieces to? The ring could go over the top of your pointy thing, but you might have to get a big needle (huge needle) (I sewed a boat canvas together once) and gather it somehow to go one the ring, if those clipper things come off the other little rings that might work if you could use those to attach to the larger ring instead of sewing. But I don't know how you could attach it to the frame. Unless you got more of those small hooks and hooked them onto the frame (the square part at the top, I keep trying to picture a circus tent. Am I making sense?
I love it! I have not a clue on what to do for the top, but it just looks great!
Ok last idea... I think this will work, use the big ring( even if you could make a small hem at the top and gather it through) to loop around the top, then if there is enough material to drape over the sides, and a hem you could slide in weights to weigh it down and keep it from blowing around. That would be pretty, Kajun Kerry and me would be happy to help you, I'm sure.
That looks great! Way to go, Valarie, I'm so impressed you took on this project and it looks wonderful! You are empowered now and can take on anything! You go, girl!!
Love this iron tenty thing! You have got to get a candle chandelier to hang from the middle. You can get a chandalier from a yard sale for $15-$25 and paint it black. Take out the electric stuff and add candles.
Can I come take your fence and put it around my deck area? Is yours real iron or fake iron- looks real. I like the idea of a big ring to attach more panels from and bring over to the side.
you could get some long pieces of grass and attatch it up there to make it look like a tropical hut....haha....that was a joke. But it would look cool if you could figure out how to do it.
You rock, girl!
I'm no help for the top, though.
You need to lean over here so that I can pat you on the back. That looks Fabulous Chick! Very elegant.
Not sure but I think it looks great!
Maybe you could try running long drop cloths horizontally and use a handy-dandy glue gun to kind of hem the ends around the rods (the hem ends will be kind of triangle looking because of the shape of the roof). The cloths might not be wide enough to cover the entire roof, but it may be fun to have a "skylight" opening at the top.
Just and idea.
I would hang cute, sparkly patio light strands up there, along the beams - so they flicker at night!
And great job on the curtains! I'd love to come hang out on your patio!
Flowering vines of your favorite kind weaved up to the top (real or silk) that's what I would try before covering it all up.
not sure about the top but it looks really good!
Sorry, no ideas for the top ~ other than similar to what I've already read here ~ but you had a great idea for the sides. And it looks really good! A wonderful place to sit and relax with a friend or hubby at the end of the day.
Sounds like you've got some super-smart readers with some great ideas. Take the best of those ideas and pretend that I thought of it but couldn't write it in my comment because someone already said it.
Blessings and Happy 4th!
I think you should let Logan have tin put up there -I think they would do it right and it would be plumb sturdy.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!:o)Loves ya, Lorie
I have No idea.. But I love it!
I don't have any suggestions, but it looks lovely. I love the framwork you have there!
I have been obsessed for 2 days with trying to figure out a good idea to put on the top. I have not figured out a brilliant idea yet, but hopefully it will come to me. I watch way to many HGTV shows!
The Park Wife
Congrats-it looks great! You should be proud of yourself.
Thank goodness you are obviously busy too. I haven't missed a bunch of posts!!!
Hope your holiday weekend was great. Talk to you soon!
Go to Target and get some beautiful lights so it will sparkle at night...sorry, but I put lights on everything in my backyard...and patio..it's amazing at night!
Sorry I have been so absent from commenting, I read you every day and the time gets away from me.
Love you!
It looks great! Very creative
I talked to Amy, she used something called sun and shade. She got it at Lowes. They sell in on a big roll. I will tell you her sugestion when I see you at MeMe Lories house. I saw Logan at church yesterday and I asked him if he had put the tin on it yet. He said no. Dont you think that will make it hot? He said no but what do men know huh?
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