Do you have weird quirks? Come on you know you have some kind of weird quirkiness.
Jennifer tagged me for a meme on randomness. I am very very bad at meme's. Let me just apologize now for any past, present, or future meme tags. I am bad at getting them and awards posted, its not that I don't appreciate the thought, its the fact that I am a procrastinator, I have AADD, and as my Daddy says, "My mind is like Teflon, nothing sticks to it".
My point to all this is, it got me thinking about some quirks I have....
1. I do not like peanuts, walnuts, pecans, or anything like that in anything I eat. For Thanksgiving and Christmas, Lisa makes a special bowl of green stuff just for me without pecans. Thank you Lisa!
Because of this quirk, I being a Southern girl, will not eat Pecan Pie. I know its almost a sin to be Southern and not eat Pecan Pie, but I can't help it.
I love carrot cake, but wont eat it if the icing has pecans in it.
Don't mess up a perfectly good brownie or chocolate chip cookie with pecans or walnuts.
Its a whole texture issue.
2. Same for onions. If they are so finely chopped up that I can't see them anymore, I will probably eat it. Now I like onion rings, just not the onion part, I just want the crust. :) Again for Thanksgiving and Christmas I got special dishes made for me without onions.
3. If I go through the house and lock all the doors and then lay down in the bed and say "did I lock that door?", I can not go to sleep until I get up and check that door. Even though I know its locked.
4. I can not drink out of a slim fast can, or drink one of those smoothie things out of the bottle. The opening smells like soured milk and it really grosses me out.
5. If I dream about a snake, usually someone I know is pregnant. I can verify this happening twice. I also can take a needle and thread hold it over your wrist and tell you how many babies you will have and what they will be. I have about a 95% success rate on this. My sister Robin is in the 5%, I said Branden was going to be a girl. :)
So there you have it me in all me weird quirkiness. There are probably other thing, I just can't think of them now. I am sure my sisters and my Mama will add anything they can think of to the comments section.
I will completely understand if you no longer think the same of me. If you do decide to stick around, I cannot promise that some of my quirkiness will not rub off on you. You have been warned. :)
OH my me..I lock and check all the doors...get in bed and think "did I lock the doors or close the garage?" I am so glad to see someone is just like me!
Now I don't have the onion and pecan thing going on but I DO have a very weak stomach and if someone licks their fingers...I feel queasy!
-sandy toe
You and my little sister are related regarding the nut thing.
And I am right there with you on the door locks.
We are IDENTICAL on 2 and 3. I skin the onion out of my onion rings and eat the goody. And I have had to turn the car around and go back home to make sure that I have unplugged hot rollers - that I was 99% sure that I had unplugged.
That picture of you is gorgeous. No. Joke. probably one of the best that I have seen on your blog of you. You are Bea-U-tiful!
Girl no pecan pie? Its ok I HATE tomatoes yuck everyone looks at me like am crazy but yuck!
i do the 'did i lock the door' thing all the time! drives hubby crazy bc he is usually the one who has to get out of bed to check... i also get to work and cannot remember for my life if i closed down the garage door! thank goodness for neighbors:)
A snake, huh? That's an unusual pregnancy indicator!
You are so cute! I am the same OCD but with the curling iron...I used to have to check it about 10 times before I left the house. I'm better now, I only have to check two or three times. I'm also this way with our alarm system...I will go check it, see it's on, go get in bed, it on?? And go all the way downstairs again.....
Ok NO ONE should be that quirky AND CUTE!
shame on you!
My husband has ADD so I can't wait to use your Daddy's line on him! I do the double checking of the doors, oven, curling iron and candles! (I have been know to burn a few things LOL)
You are just cute as a button! Wonder why we say that? I say that to Pebbles all the time.
I soooo do number 3!!!! Like every night. Drives Big Daddy nuts.
As far as nuts in stuff. I was like that for years.....well like up unitl five years ago. And then suddenly, I didnt care. Weird. And it shows up on my rear. Crud. I f it aint broke dont fix it. I shoudl have never been accepting.
Your number 5 is too funny. It reminds me of my mom. She does something similar with a pencil, needle and thread. Amazingly she is mostly correct as well! Thanks for sharing!
-Ruth Ann
I LOVE your quirkiness! That is what makes you so dang likable. And p.s., that is the cutest picture are precious!
If you are supposed to be somewhere at a given time (other than business), like you are coming to see me at 1:30 p.m., I will look for you around 2:00. I don't think you allow enough time to get ready and out the door. Is that a quirk? IIII thiiink soooo. WOW!!! I cannot believe I am no. 2. But, it's 5:00 a.m. and I have been up all night. And I'm sure I may think of another quirk or 2. Love ya much.
I totally agree with you on the nuts. I love peanut butter, but not nuts! And I hate pecan pie! You are not alone.
Maybe the needle and thread sensed all his pretty curls and thought he was pretty enough to be a girl. haha
SO, do you like Peanut butter????? :) Great pic by the way!!!
You're so right about the sour milk thing! The Starbucks fraps do the same thing, I thought I was crazy! Glad to know I'm not.. yet
Slim fast yuck eww I dont blame you
I can't drink ANYTHING out of a can. It must be in a glass. MUST.
I feel you.
HEY YOU--------Why didn't you tell me that the comment section printed in order of date and time? When I posted mine, there was only one more there. YOU LET ME EMBARESS MYSELF ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Cute pic! :) Interesting randomness, too!
teflon ... LOL! that's totally funny!
still love ya with all your quirkiness! love that pic too.
I have some "ggodies" for you on my site.
My hubby is the same way about onions. He, too, gets special dishes made at the holidays.
Do you eat Funnions? Can't spell it by hubby...who HATES onions...loves to eat them. Go figure?
I am so with you on #3. And include going to the bathroom to it. If I lay in bed & wonder if I need to, I better just get up & go because I will not be able to fall asleep.
I'm glad you don't like Pecan Pie. Makes me feel less bad about being a Southern Girl who rarely chooses to drink Sweet Tea.
So did you have a dream about a snake sometime in December? :-)
Love all of your quirky ways!
NOPE!! still hanging around:) LOVE the picture
Cracking me up! I count the number of steps in our stairs EVERY TIME I go up or down. There are always 14. There - don't you feel better, now? ;)
IT'S ME AGAIN. I love the picture of you. Will you make me a copy - and a copy of the picture of Syd.
Completely with you on the locks, and my hubby is with you on the onions! I can't imagine life w/o pecan pie're really missing out ;) Can I have your helping??
I like nuts by themselves, but not in other food. So I hear ya about that.
I'm so impressed with your needle and thread trick. I wish I loved closer, I'd ask you to do it for me! Not that I'm pregnant, but you know, it'd be fun to know.
I am a checker too! Must be something we ate. I check everything at least twice and still leave the dog gone curling iron on. Which tells me it is a habit.
I love "Green Stuff" nuts and all.
Love, Kristi
LOL...I am so glad I am not loosing my mind about the doors cause I do this to. Never even told anyone cause thinking I was strange or not since many commenters do the same and young ones to.hehehe
Pecan Pie...oh no I love that stuff.
Onions...just started loving those but I can realte they have to Vidalia ones for me to eat but not raw.
Love all the quirks...I think we all are just cool as can be to be different!
I am with you on 1 and 2--textures do me in. Pecan pie makes me sick, just the thought of that gelatinous mess--ooh gross!
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