Thursday, February 26, 2009



My name is Valarie and I am addicted........


to Twilight


I am not ashamed, I will stand proud and tell you anything you need to know.  I have read New Moon twice and am now reading Eclipse, again.  I have watched the movie 3 times (I know that's not very many) and have already pre-ordered the DVD.  I never thought I would be, lets just say slightly obsessed, with a teen vampire saga, but I am.  There is just no explaining it unless you are there.  I am trying to wean myself off, but its hard.   This is not something you can just go cold turkey on.   Especially when there are awesome things out there like this..........



So I am not some weirdo or anything, there are lots of us out there.  I am just a 35 year old mother of three who likes all things Twilight.

What's your guilty pleasure???  I know you have them, there are a bunch of American Idol obsessed bloggers out there.  I know your there, cause I read your post on it all the time.  :)




mah-meeee said...

my guilty pleasure.... i buy audio books on chick lit and listen to it at work. :D

no one knows - they think i'm listening to music.

but now you all know.

The Southern Mom said...

Yeah...I'm a little bit off, too! I have, three guilty pleasures! I love, love the shows Lost and Heroes! (I would watch Idol, but it comes on at the same time, and I can only DVR two shows at a time!)

And I'm a reality show freak! Biggest Loser, Survivor, ATM, Top Chef, you name it, I watch it...disgraceful, huh? Can't stop, I'm hooked! I probably need a 12-step program for this addiction (my family thinks so!) LOL ;)

Muthering Heights said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Ugly Betty and Dancing With the Stars, despite the fact that I feel an eating disorder coming on when I see the dancers, LOL!

I know both shows are less than appropriate, so I never watch with the girls. In fact, I abandon my family at 7:50 on the evenings each show airs so that I can be ready for the beginning! I know, I'm awful. :)

Shell in your Pocket said...

I do love reality tv but lately I have not been watching could be an obsession..not good.
~Sandy toe

j said...

Guilty pleasure? BLOGGING OF COURSE!! I've got the big blogger booty to prove it :)

You know, that video could have been much more accurate if Bella had busted her butt during the dance scene.

a Tonggu Momma said...

Valarie Lea, meet Lula!, one of the biggest Twilight fans I've ever encountered.

I think her blog might make you laugh. And no, I don't know her personally.

Unknown said...

My guilty pleasures are Heroes and Lost! I love the Twilight books too!

Lula! said...

Well, my dear Tonggu Momma outed me! I've been a Twilight lover for almost 2 years now...I'm very verbose about it, to say the least.

My other love is Lost. Lost, Lost, Lost, the greatest TV show. Ever. :)

Nice to meet you!

D... said...

I have several guilty pleasures! Those are what I do best. ;) Besides Twilight, I would say reality tv such as: Amazing Race, American Idol, Survivor, & Dancing with the Stars (this time of year).

D... said...

Oh yes! Reading your comments, I'm also a Heroes & Lost fan. Plus, The Office. I'm secretly in love with Jim.

TidyMom said...

ummmmmmmm, I think you know mine!!! right there with you and Twilight!! I stopped counting how many times I've seen the movie after about 7 times. LOL I'm rereading the whole series too.

Hey guess what?!!!! Hot Topic now has Edward PILLOW CASES now!!....and my birthday is next weekend.......think I'll get one?????{crosses fingers}}}}


Tammy said...

Ummm, yea, I'd have to go with AI. And then there's the cute little Jonas Brothers!

Anonymous said...

Hi Valerie! I just wanted to come by and say thank you! Thanks for the sweet comment and I may just have to find that book..mean girls~ Thanks again!

littletoesandcheerios said...

You need rehab, detox an intervention, if you will!!! Ah, just enjoy. :)

Suzie said...

I love paranormal romance novels. I read one a week. Im hooked

Cassie said...

I'm addicted to Twilight too. I read them all twice before the movie came out. Also, Harry Potter. I've read all the books at least 5 times. (Over the course of like, 10 years or something, so I guess it's not that impressive lol) and I'm VERY excited for the newest HP movie to finally come out!

Jenette said...

I am addicted to Twilight too! I absolutely love it! I am also addicted to The Office and That 70's Show and Facebook!

Archie Mck said...

For a time I was obsessed with Harry Potter as well. It was pretty intense, I would sit down for a day and wouldn't talk to anyone until I'd finished the latest book to come out... yeah, I'm cool like that ;-)

Anonymous said...

can you say OBSESSED i mean get this fish a non-obsessive pill or something.