RockBand, excuse me I mean Guitar Hero World Tour has taken over our household. Right now as I am typing Syd is playing AGAIN, and if Jessie were here she would be playing too.
Here are some random pictures of the new phenomenon.
This evening was no different. I come home from work and Syd starts playing the thing.
Only tonight the area she was playing in was occupied by some Lego enemy forces...
She apparently got to close, because this innocent face playing quietly with his legos.....
Did this........
Right hook miss....
Spear, full contact.....
I think the graphics on the Guitar Hero have something to do with it, I think it can cause random violence in 8 year old boys....
I also think it mesmerizes 14 year old girls into playing 14 out of 24 hours a day, the other 10 are spent sleeping. As we speak she just finished the last of all the gigs on the World Tour, we just got the thing Thursday! She has been playing just a weeee bit much!
Just a theory....
We have harmonicas here - x 4 - what have we done?
Self induced pain - that is what it is!
I'm glad it's your house and not mine..we just played with one the other night and I thought I would go nuts!
Good luck..holler if this continues I'll send you some earplugs!
OMGGGGGGGGGGAW ARE YOU SERIOUSLY SERIOUS, EDDDYYY!!! I am soooo covetous! Where in the world did you get him, tell me NOW!!! ;) & I just knew you'd love the chicken!... ;)
I love these pic's of the girlz rocking out, they are GREAT!!! Whyyyy, why Val can't we live closer??? Our girls are the same age... waaaaa!!!. I'm so happy to be back in bloggyville , I mist ya... Now spill it!! ♥ LA
You have created a monster...or future star?
Fred wants to get Pebbles (21 months) drums asap, from this post, I think I'll tell him to wait until she's 14!
Like Dawn says, go get the earplugs...before it's to late.
Girl ya'll are having way too much fun over there! LOL
There's nothing like Christmas vacation to give those high school kids the well-deserved break they need :)
Guilty too. ROCK AWNNNN SYD!
How fun! My nieces and nephews were talking about it at Christmas!
Rock Away!
-sandy toes
Oh how funny! My son got one of the Guitar Heroes for his bday last year...he's not THAT into it. I tried it a few times. I stink! lol
OH!! Thank you for the heads up on the Windows Live thingamabob. I downloaded it last night but can't seem to figure it out. I'll work with it more today. Thanks for your help!
I can speak from experience and say that GH is the most addicting game I know of. My in-laws bought us a copy of the first version and I think we (Cara and I) played it for a week straight! Then we had to sleep, glad to see it wasn't just us :-) funny!
You never know...she could win some money in a Rock Band tournament someday!
NOTE TO SELF: Must put stickers on my guitars. STAT!
Ok, now....we are loving GHWT also. I am bit sad that I have the two guitar edition and no drum set. I'll be surfing the net for them. :-)
Rock on kids.
Hey! At least she got dressed. ;)
We got RockBand last year. The kids love it, but, after the initial passion, they don't play it as much.
We love guitar hero around here too!
hubby who occasionally peeks over to see what i'm doing said, "oh cool... guitar hero."
his fav game around here too!
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