Thursday, March 6, 2008


I have been tagged by my friend Jennifer ! I just happened upon her site several weeks ago, and I have loved reading her blog. She is a very genuine and funny person. It's neat how you can tell so much about a person through their writing. :)

So I was wondering what I was going to write about today, and then I get up and I have the answer. So thank you Jennifer. :)

What Ifs:

What if I could meet someone in the art world to chat with…..Not really sure. I don’t keep up with art very much, and I really don’t have a particular kind that I like. So since art can span so many different areas, I would have to say someone in music. I would really like to talk to groups of people or musicians who played bluegrass and folk music from way back in the day. You know the kind from up in the hills of Tennessee where I am from. To be able to here them talk about life back then and just sit and listen.

What if I could have one wish granted for the benefit of all mankind......Golly this is a hard one. I really liked Jennifer’s answer but I don’t want to be a copy cat. One wish hmmmmm, I wish that everyone would have access to God’s Word.

What if I could travel anywhere in the world......I have always thought Italy was pretty, I think I would like to go there. It has beautiful weather, beaches and landscape. The food probably isn’t bad either. I mean its Italy they have pasta. :)

What if I could live in a period other than the present, for 24 hours......I would want to live probably in between 1955 – 1965 right around there. I really like Jacqueline Kennedy and Audrey Hepburn. There style and the styles back then; very clean and classic.

What if I could make over three areas of my body......Hmmm…. Goodness tough question, but I do know the answer. :) My butt, my thighs, and my stomach. They tend to hold all the sweets and chocolate. Plus there is a lot of hail damage going on back there.

What if I could become an animal for 24 hours........I guess a bird. I would like to be able to see how it is to fly without a plane. To hear the peaceful silence and see the world from a different point of view. I really don't want to eat bugs or anything though so I might be a starving bird for 24 hours.

What if I could bring someone back to life for 24 hours.......Cissy, I would want to bring my friend Cissy back. She died of breast cancer at a very young age and left behind her daughter Kaitlin. There are things I wish I had told her. Things I wish I could ask her. Most of all though I would want her to be able to see and hold her daughter Kaitlin again. To read more on Cissy follow the two links in this question and answer.

Ok so now I am gonna tag some people.
Lets see who can I tag.
I will tag Valarie in Mexico, My Cousin Stacy, My Sister Lisa, and My friend April who is new at this blogging stuff and needs to do this.



Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

This is interesting. I LOVE that style and good fashion sense were motivators for going back to the 1950's-60's. I also love the reason you would be a bird.

j said...

HALE DAMAGE? AACK - you crack me up! And I fairly snorted over your comment - I love the connection between the bolt and the shot of whiskey. You are a cool chick!

Glad to be inspiring (most of the time I inspire people to get an emergency pedicure or hire a maid or something) and I really liked your What If's. be blessed to day Valarie - Jennifer

OH! and if you get a chance, swing back over to my site and find Brittany (? - I think) in the comments. She did her 13 on Alabama and she lives in UT(?). She is doing the 50 states and AL was the first one. Link over and leave her a Bama girl comment!

Anonymous said...

Now this is different. I'm going to have to think now!

I'll get my answers up this weekend.