Well, I survived. It was a hard difficult road, but thankfully no one got hurt, and most important, I did not lose any of them. Here are a few pictures from our adventure.
Just a small group of the about 50 kids running around my house.
Notice the towels? This would be because most of them jumped in the pool with their clothes on.
Brandon jumping off the grill to dunk the ball.
I don't have alot of good pictures of the party in progress. I would get these "looks" when I went out to take pictures. It was dark and I could not get the best pictures, so I used them more for investigative reasons than anything. I would take just random pictures and then look at them to see if anyone was getting "to close" to each other. I also got our spotlight out and would to random spotlight checks to make sure they were not getting "to close". At one point I did have to tell one couple they needed to make room for Jesus inbetween them.
Once everyone started to leave Syd opened her presents and cards. This of course is her favorite part.
(Syds not really cross eyed, it just looks like it here)
This one is my favorite card. Her friend Kristen gave it to her. :)
This is the reason why this is her favorite thing to do!!
She had about three friend stay the night last night. I woke up this morning with the smell of something burning. They decided to cook breakfast. Yay me!!
When I got to the kitchen this is what I found.
Oh this was from one egg. They had to come wake me up to show me this. They were quite excited about the double yoke.
They had made themselves scrambled eggs..........
...................and Fried BolognaI spent two days getting ready for all this and they destroyed it in about 4 hours. A mothers work is never done. I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

You done good Mama.
I got jealous of your fabulous "life" blog and figured it was time for me to bury the hatchet and do a "life" blog of my own and not just fitness. Feel free to check it out. :) See you Monday, 5am... dont be late this time ;)
Looks like a lot of fun!! We are prepping for a party next week-end. Oh wow, it's a lot of work!!
Eeeeewwww, I was so with you until the fried bologna. But it looks like everyone had a lot of fun.
My day is coming.
You are my hero, you know that? What a great mom.
HEY, Happy Mother's Day to you by the way.
I'd like for you to come by my site. I am hosting a Baby Shower for Jana. Your sweet words would be appreciated!!
Talk Atcha Later!
We made it through fine - thanks for the warning! It got rough and we went to the inlaws. I tried to put our car in the ditch and take out a tree - SERIOUSLY - but we made it. I bumped the tree with my rearview mirror and my son said I had wrecked. "You really broke the car mom." Nah, it was just scarey for a minute there.
I trust that y'all made it ok too. I didn't here anything on the news about damage up yonder.
Later Tater!
I'm going to remember that "make sure there's room for Jesus between you." ROFL You're hilarious! Love the spot checks. It's so true about spending all this time preparing and it's undone almost instantaneously.
A double-yoked egg, that's pretty cool! Maybe y'all should head out and buy a lottery ticket today. And, I think that's wonderful they woke you to show you. You could have the kind of teenagers who don't attempt to make their own breakfast and don't bother to wake their mom up to share something neat. That's VERY cool.
Thanks for sharing!
You did good, mom! You created memories that will never be forgotten.
Hope you all have been safe with the storms that have been ripping through there. I always think of my AL blog friends when I see those weather reports!
Blessings! Dawn
Glad you survived the kids.
Happy Mother's Day.
I have never actually eaten bologna but my husband tells me that there are only two time in life that it is fabulous -- when you are a kid who is sick of peanut butter and jelly, when you are teenager, or when you are drunk.
I guess I missed my chance.
You are a brave soul-
I don't think I could do it- 50 of them!
I would have to be seriously medicated!
yay! you survived 50 kids in your house & pool!
those eggs looks yummy... i've never had fried bologna before, but it sure looks good!
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