My friend Mike over at Rambling Stuff had this pretty neat game he was playing. I have been busy lately and had not been able to get to it. So today is the day I get to play along.
He wanted to see if we would post a picture of our desktop. So this is mine from work.
Its a picture of my oldest daughter that I took a couple of months ago. So there you have it this is what my desk top on my computer looks like. Now my real desk top, well thats an entirely different story. :)

You're like me, in that you have a bunch of open applications. I usually have about 9 or 10 at a time.
I like having pictures of my kids on my desktop, too.
Great picture you took!
O.K. I LOVE Syd's hair, I hope she is doing better. I think I might follow her wonderful example and go cut mine off!
She looks alot like you!
The Park WIfe
It doesns't matter what *I* put on the desktop... my son is famous for putting a picture of his latest car of choice as the wallpaper. And my Prince Charming is organized to the point of OCD so we don't have a lot of "needless" (his description) icons floating around.
Is Sydney settling into her new look? I'll bet it's getting rave reviews everywhere she goes!
Have a blessed weekend! Dawn
You have a good looking young lady there.Thanks for playing along.
She is so pretty!
Btw, thanks for stopping by. Your comments cheered me up!
YEA YEA YEA!!! I'm glad you played along. Youre a good man, Charlie Brown!
Look at all those little icons! How do you stand it? *L*
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