Strawberry, Strawberry, What a Strawberry night, gonna go pick some Strawberries on this Strawberry night. Sorry, Sorry inside joke with the family. :)
Sunday was beautiful day here in North Alabamy. Skies were blue, air was warm, slight breeze, yep pretty much a perfect strawberry pickin day.
Syd, her friend Jess, and my friend Melinda, Jessi's mom, went over to a local strawberry farm and just enjoyed the day. Another friend of theirs, Brandon, joined us over there. His MawMaw works in the greenhouse over at the farm. Now Brandon does not "go out" with either of the girls, Syd and him have been together since diapers so we do alot together. They do tend to act like and old married couple though, bickering all the time. On a totally different subject why do they call it "going out"? They're not going anywhere, because they can't drive.
Anyway we walked on out to the fields and we got us a good spot way on out there where no one else was at. If there have not been alot of people in that part then you get some good berries.
You see all those rows up there? All strawberries :)
We found some interesting strawberries out in the field.
Syd thought this one looked like a turtle.
I think this one has cellulite. :)
Before we knew it the temptation had gotten to them, and they started eating the berries.
So they just sat right down there in the patch and ate some berries.
Then this happened.
What you dont see anything, well lets take a closer look shall we. Look close at Jessi's hand.
That would be a strawberry that came hurdling at them from Brandon.
At this point the fight is on!
But before they started acting like a bunch of wild indians, we got some really nice berries.
After the war of the strawberries we go back up toward the green house.
Would you look at those ferns. They are just gorgeous.
While Melinda and I looked around the green house Jessi and Syd decided to catch some rays.
Well that was our day at the strawberry farm. I hope you enjoyed the tour and remember when you go, be careful where you step you might just step on a berry. :)
head on over to 5minutes for mom for some real Wordless Wednesdays, since I can't follow the rules. :)

Great photos. Looks like you all had a wonderful and yummy time.
Those ferns are great- Hope you got one-
Strawberries are "in" around here, too, but I haven't had a chance to get out to any of the farms. Maybe next week!
BTW - we have the same "why is it called going out if neither of you can drive" discussion around our home, too! Ha! Let me know if you get that one figured out!
Blessings! Dawn
What an incredible day!! Loved the photos!! (and the words!)
kari & kijsa
LOVE, love, love the pictures!!! Great job with this post!
I still can't get over how great your new web design is. I need a make-over like that for my site.
Love the strawberry photos, especially the odd shaped ones and the berry fight. Love the squashed one as well. lol
LOVE~LOVE the new look!
I love the strawberry patch too-
Love you too-
Looks great in here! ALL of it!
By the way, come by my site today and show Syd.
The Park Wife
Hey, yeah I'm here. STILL lovin' the look. I liked the picture taken in the sunglasses - COOL! And they look like they are having a good time. Syd's hair really is adorable. I also like her turtleberry. Only TRULY SPECIAL people find turtleberries. And Cellulite? Ewwwwwww - that's a Jenberry.
Have a superdy duperdy day!
Those are awesome pictures! I'm going to go google a strawberry picking place around here. My kids would love it-almost as much as yours!
Haha! Fantastic pictures. I love the story, too...who needs wordless!
Looks yummy...wish I could have some fresh picked strawberries right about now!
Thanks for visiting my post!
Happy WW (or not so wordless)! :)
I've only picked strawberries once in FL & it was a lot of fun. Looks like a great day for all of you! Loved the pics.
Mmmmmm, looks like an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day!! The kind of day we have WAY too few of...sigh. I seriously need to figure out a way to move south!!
looks like such a fun day! love strawberries... is it strawberry season already? YAY!
....I answered you BAA-AACK!
Look at you with all the visitors and comments.
Go Valarie.
Go Valarie.
It's Your Birthday!
It's Your Birthday!
*Big Booty Dance right here*
Punkin, punkin, what a punkin night.
Gonna see my Grandma on this punkin night.
.and Grandpa!
thanks for stopping by my place.
I heart strawberries! In the north, we have to wait til June to pick. But I can't wait!
Now THOSE look good! Even the last shot (they are SO over-priced in our grocery store lately).
Ohhh I want some strawberries now!
Great pictures---who knew picking berries could be so fun!!
Great photos.there is a pick your own berries place near us we go there sometimes to get our fresh strawberries,and Yes it it a lotta fun.
That looks like a blast! I love the photos and your page, it's just awesome, I'll have to stop back by again soon. ;-)
hey valarie,
i just tagged you with a meme over at my blog. but no worries if you are just sick of it or don't feel like doing it. :)
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